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This section contains publications related to the different activities of the Professional Development Program.

  • "UPR/PUPR/ATI Professional Development Program:
    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Public Transportation and Sustainable Development" written by Alberto M. Figueroa Medina, PhD, PE; Jaime Gutiérrez, PhD; Gabriel Moreno-Viqueira, PhD and Gustavo E. Pacheco-Crosetti, PhD, PE

Article (.pdf format)

  • The following presentation "A New Approach Leaders and Professionals for the Public and Urban Transportation" was made by Benjamín Colucci, PhD, PE, PTOE; Alberto M. Figueroa, PhD, PE; Felipe Luyanda, DE, PE; and presented in CLATPU by Plan. Martha Bravo

CLATPU - Power Point Presentation

  • The following brochure was used to promote the program amongst students from the university of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez.


  • The following is a presentation provided to UPRM students at their first meeting.

ATI- Power Point Presentation  (7.5MB)

  • The following article was written by Francisco Serrano Monroig about his experience on the technical trip to Medellin, Colombia. It was published in the Civil an Enviromental engineering bulletin of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, volume 11 spring 2005.  

Article (.pdf format)