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  • This section contains documents and reference materials that can used as support documents in the research projects.

  • "Ciudad Mayor Transportation System" - Route and Stations Map of the Public and Urban Transportation Systems (BRT, Shuttles, LRT, AcuaExpreso, Tren Urbano, MBA).
  • "Rutas Públicos de Bayamon"

"Contactos Públicos"

"Publicos de Cataņo" Map

"Ruta Bayamon a Santa Juanita"

"Rutas hacia Levittown FY 02-03_03-04_04-05" data


  • Technical Trip to Medellín Colombia, POTs - "Plan Ordenamiento Territorial"


(All files are word documents.)

Barbosa - (381KB)

Bello - (2.5MB)

Caldas - (1.4MB)

Envigado - (3MB) (Zip format)

Girardota - (605KB)

Itaqui - (2.2MB)

La Estrella - (2.7MB)

Medellín - (2.1MB)

Sabaneta - (883KB)



  • Technnical Trip to Medellín, Colombia Presentations 

"Metro Cable" (PDF) (4MB)- Describes the types of  transportations methods by cable and their benefits.

"Metro de Medellín: Introducción general de la empresa" (PDF) (1.5MB)- Gives a historical summary and goals of the company.

"Procesos GO" (PDF) (8.3MB)- A general view of the different processes that take place in Operations Management.                           

  • Technnical Portland, Oregon Presentations 

TriMet - Short History of Portland's Light Rail Transit System (PDF 4MB)

TriMet - Current ITS Applications (PDF 1.5MB)

The following is a movie requiring Apple's Quicktime.

Movie - Lessons from Portland (51 MB)